Saturday, August 27, 2011

International night- Dance

The annual ASM International night is an opportunity for students to share aspects of their culture with others and also experience other cultures. I was a part of the Indian Dance troop, and we practiced around 3 times a week for around 5-6 weeks to put up this show.

This was a very interesting experience for me as it not only allowed me to go out of my comfort zone and have fun while I presented my culture to others, but it also enhanced my creativity as I was involved in organizing the show with others. The practice and the activity itself also contributed to action as part of my CAS requirements.

MUN Dublin

I went to Dublin as part of the ASM Model United Nations Delegation. The experience was both fun and educational.

It was fun as it gave me the opportunity to go sightseeing in a new city, Dublin, while at the same time allowing me to meet new people from different parts of the world.

It was educational as it enhanced my knowledge of how a global organization as the UN functions, complete with all its intricate procedures.

It contributed to my CAS experience as it was creative( drafting resolutions, coming up with ideas), active(debating) and a service ( pseudo resolutions to global issues).

Monday, February 21, 2011

ASAP Session 1 Review

I have completed the first session of the ASAP program.
  • Helped 6th grade students achieve their academic potential
  • personal growth- helped me review subject fundamentals
  • I am now going to help improve the functioning of the program through my CAS project.
The CAS project involves redesigning the the end of session review documents to make them easier to review and do- saving on precious tutoring time.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I will now be actively involved in the After School Academic Program (ASAP) which is a program pioneered by 11th grade IB students. Not only is this my CAS project, but also allows me to help middle-schoolers reach their full academic potential.

Last week in MUN, I was introduced to a MUN debate seesion, allowing me to better understand the functioning of the committee. I shall now be preparing for the upcoming conference in dublin.